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Running Club: Lobster Loop Run Prep & beyond

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Lobster Loop Run Prep & Beyond

This popular 6-week running program has expanded to more than just a Couch to 5k option. The program will now offer training based on experience and goals. Coaches will provide tailored training according to your experience level and objectives. Whether you are preparing for your first 5k or aiming to restart running as a beginner or advanced beginner, we have a group for you! For those seeking to advance their training and enhance their endurance, your search ends here! This program is designed for runners to be prepared for the Lobster Loop 5k on Sunday, August 25 and provide runners with a great foundation to continue their running journey. All levels of experience are welcomed! 

How the program works: 
Runners will be grouped based on goals and experience. Both groups will meet once a week to train and exercise under the instruction of CHS Varsity Track & Field Coach, Keith Wilson. Coach Wilson is an experienced coach who will create a program to help each runner meet their own goals. 
In addition to meeting weekly, each participant will receive weekly running ideas to do on their own time. There may be additional weekend sessions added at the coach's discretion. 

Who Can Join: 
The program is designed for runners 12 years and older. Families, friends and running buddies are encouraged to register together! This program is a great way to keep accountable and stay on track with new friends. 

Please note, group training may include runs on the Farmington River Trail and around Mills Pond Park. While "buddy running" will be encouraged there will be instances when runners will not be directly supervised by the instructor. Runners may be on their own during some instances of the running program.  

Lobster Loop Prize Pack: 
One lucky program participant will be randomly selected to win a running prize pack supplied by Canton Middle School PTO. 

Session Locations: 
Wednesdays, 7/10-8/14 (Rain date: 8/21)
7/10: CHS Track 
7/19: Mills Pond Park (RESCHEDULED)
7/24: Rails to Trails in Collinsville (by Crown & Hammer) 
8/07: Dyer Softball Field 
8/14: CHS Track

This program does not include race registration. Go to  to register for the Lobster Loop!

Couch to 5k

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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