Welcome to the Garden!
The Canton Community Garden is located behind the Canton Community Center at 40 Dyer Avenue, Canton CT. Gardeners are welcome to visit and tend to their plots anytime between sun up and sun down. Watering spigots are located in the middle and right side walkways, however gardeners must bring their own hoses to hook up. Please review the Canton Community Garden 2024 Policies for more information.
New Policy - Starting 2024 Garden Season
After Friday, May 31st, the Recreation Coordinator will inspect plots on an on-going basis. If plots are not being used or are unkempt, the gardener assigned to the plot will be contacted and given 14-days to plant or improve the appearance of the plot. If no improvement occurs or nothing is planted, the plot will be reassigned on a first-come, first-served basis to the next person on the wait list. No refund will be given to the original gardener.
How to Apply for a Plot
In order to officially apply for a plot in the Canton Community Garden, you must fill out an application (titled "Community Garden Plot Registration Form" below) and return it, with payment, to the Parks & Recreation Office. Applications can be mailed or brought into the office physically and plots can be paid for with a check, cash, or using a credit card.
20ft x 25ft Plot
Resident Fee: $35.00
Non-Resident Fee: $45.00
Senior Citizen Fee: $25.00
20ft x 50ft Plot
Resident Fee: $55.00
Non-Resident Fee: $65.00
Senior Citizen Fee: $45.00
Raised Plot
Resident Fee: $20.00
Non-Resident Fee: $30.00
Senior Citizen Fee: $15.00
Note: Checks should be made out to Town of Canton and please mail all applications to Canton Parks and Recreation 40 Dyer Ave, Canton CT 06019
Registration Periods for Gardeners
Returning Gardeners: Registration Closes Thursday, February 29th
Resident New Gardeners: Registration Opens Monday, March 4th
Non-Resident New Gardeners: Registration Opens Monday, March 11th
*No registration forms will be accepted before Monday, March 4th for new resident gardeners and no registration forms will be accepted before Monday, March 11th for new non-resident gardeners*
Extra Information
Beginning of the Season: Tuesday, April 16th
End of the Season: The community garden season is expected to end 10/27, or when the first frost is predicted during the Fall season. The garden season may also end early under special circumstances.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Parks & Recreation office, (860) 693-5808, or email Claire Boughton at cboughton@townofcantonct.org.